"Dai-ichi Life Experience Centre Mandalay"
March 2, 2024
We are proud to announce the opening of a new branch office and Dai-ichi Life Experience Centre, celebrating with our special guests, business partners and customers, and incorporating our Japanese culture called ‘Kusudama.’
Our new Mandalay office is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional life insurance services to our customers. Our Experience Centre, meeting rooms and Dai-ichi Life Training Centers are thoughtfully designed to incorporate elements of both Japanese and local cultures, creating a unique and welcoming atmosphere for our customers and financial planners. Our ‘People First’ philosophy is at the core of everything we do, and we are dedicated to securing financial futures and ensuring peace of mind for our customers.
Our Mandalay branch office is located at No. 339, 35th Street (Between 83rd and 84th Street), Mahar Aung Myay Township and visit us to experience the high-quality life insurance services we are offering.
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