Premium Payments
How can you make your premium payment?
Bank Branches/ Bank Agents

Bank Branches:
- Visit the nearest branches of KBZ Bank, AYA Bank, CB Bank, MOB Bank, or Yoma Bank to make your premium payment in cash or by cheque. Inform the bank teller that you would like to deposit the premium to Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar and provide them with either the Application ID or Policy ID. For cheque payment, it is required to do cheque clearing process as per banking process.
KBZPay, AYAPay or MAB Agents:
- Visit the nearest agent to deposit your premium to Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar. Make sure to provide them with the Application ID or Policy ID.
Internet/Mobile Banking

- For KBZPay and KBZ mobile banking application:
- Select QuickPay
- Choose Insurance and select Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar
- Fill in the required information
- For AYA Internet/Mobile Banking application:
- Select Bill Payment
- Choose Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar
- Fill in the required information
- For CB Pay application:
- Select Pay Bill
- Choose Insurance Payment
- Select Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar
- Fill in the required information
- For MAB mobile banking application:
- Select Insurance on the payment screen
- Choose One-time payment
- Select Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar
- Choose Premium Payment as the outlet
- Fill in the required information
- For Yoma Bank DC application:
- Select Pay Bill
- Choose Biller Selection
- Select Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar
- Fill in the required information
- For Yoma Bank-Next Mobile Banking application:
- Select Bill Payment
- Choose Health & Insurance
- Select Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar
- Fill in the required information
These steps will guide you through the process of making premium payments using the respective banking applications.
Standing Order/Direct Debit

To provide convenience and save you time when making premium payments, we highly recommend that our customers set up a standing order or direct debit arrangement through the following banking services:
- KBZ Internet/Mobile Banking
- CB Bank Internet Banking or Branches
- MAB Internet Banking Service
- MOB Bank Branches
Dai-ichi Life Customer Service Counter or Dai-ichi Life Experience Centre (DLEC)

Deposit premium at the Customer Service counter or Dai-ichi Life Experience Centre (DLEC) in cheque or up to 200,000 MMK per transaction in cash for Htar–Wa-Ra Edu Goal.
Please note that our Agents do not collect cash from customers.
- If you do not pay policy premium on time, your policy will lapse and you will not be entitled for any insurance cover during lapsed period, according to policy provisions. To avoid this, we will be sending premium reminder notices (via email and SMS) and please do payment as mentioned in reminder emails.
- Reinstatement process is required to make premium payments from lapsed policies by providing policy reinstatement request form(s) including health declarations. Life insured has responsibility to provide medical records (photocopies) requested by Dai-ichi Life Insurance Myanmar if necessary.
- Please ensure that you indicate Policy No. in renewal premium payments and indicate Application No. in initial premium payments. We will not be able to process payments without Policy No. and such payments will be unidentified.
- If you pay for more than one policy, please ensure to include all Policy No. in the payment description.
- Third Party Payor Declaration Form is required if Policy Owner (PO) wants to assign third party (immediate family members only, and as defined) to pay premiums. If third party payor is not an immediate family member, it is required to provide Third Party Payor Declaration Form and explanation letter for assigning another person to pay premium instead of PO.